Wednesday, December 8, 2010

almost a year...

Miles LOVES ChiChi (Aunt) Rachie. They have a special connection. Her and her boyfriend, Merlin, were in town for a week at Thanksgiving, but now that they are gone, whenever he sees her picture he gets so excited:)

Somehow my last post at 10 months has quickly led to the one year birthday of little Miles! i love reading blogs, but I am not as great with my own...
-Sunday he took a step without holding on to anything!
-yesterday he did it again....he starts at the coffee table and kinda lunges to some other horizontal surface...or person
-He has FOUR teeth up top!
-He LOVES dogs, and animals in general, but mostly dogs
-He laughs really loud and can really ham it up when he gets going...
-He weighed 21lbs at our appt last week
-He eats non stop

Monday will be our first plane flight with the munchkin. For all my experiences flying, I have no clue what to expect! He can be really social when he's so inclined, but can also be a real pill when he needs a nap. The kid likes to nap! Which is a blessing for me. So, I am praying for a smooth flight and stocking up on snacks and distractions...

Here are some pics from Mt. Bonnell etc...

Monday, November 8, 2010

5 reasons to not leave the house in princess pajama pants

1. you might see your next door neighbor (who just turned 96!) outside with his daughter, who you've wanted to meet...but don't want your first impression to involve princess pj pants.

2. you might realize that since you're out you could run by Ross and see if they have any of those shoes you've been wanting to get your son, but again you don't want to get caught up in shopping with house shoes and sweat pants on....

3. you might realize that the tasty treat you were out of the house getting isn't as easy to eat in the car as you thought ...thus spilling it on the princess pants

4. spilling said treat will cause you to have to do ANOTHER load of laundry when you get home-before you can slip comfortably back into bed in the cold fall weather.

5. you could have been photographed or caught on film in a yet- to- be famous Austin movie or photo--in SWEATS! without any intention of running or doing anything athletic, but in order to quickly consume a fattening treat:( [think George, on Seinfeld, guzzling a sundae:)

all these thoughts will cause you to realize that if you'd just worn jeans on your outing, it would have been more efficient and less stressful.

moral: never, ever, leave the house in sweatpants

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

TEN months!

So, Miley is ten months tomorrow. He has conquered many milestones in the past months. Grabbing small pieces of food (Cheerios, cheese, etc)
Cruising furniture
Pulling to standing
Saying "ba ba" and ('ma' a couple of times)!
Dropping the third nap
Weaning off the feeding I miss while at work (today is first day, so we'll see how it goes)
Likes: [chewing on] shoes, eating cheerios, muffins, grilled cheese, pinto beans
Dislikes: diaper changes, staying up past bedtime, not being allowed to crawl around in public areas
In other news, Matt and I have been married 3 years!! We went out for a fancy schmancy dinner and walk around downtown. I am so very thankful for such a great, Godly and encouraging husband. He seriously helps me stay sane in this learning curve of parent hood:)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

meal plan

Amazingly, the past three nights I've come up with a new-to-our-table dinner. Two were inspired by friends or blogs! yay. I am posting them here cause I know I won't loose the ideas this way. Unless the Internet stops working someday?!
meal # 1
Poblano enchilada casserole
Thinly slice 1 jalapeno and one poblano pepper. Spread over 9x13. Sprinkle a little cheese on top and then put two corn tortillas (broken into pieces) over the cheese. Spread and smear or somehow get some smashed avocado over those tortillas. Add a can of black beans (drained) or about a cup cooked beans. Another layer of tortillas. Finally add about 1/2lb of ground meat with taco seasoning. Cover with a few more tortillas. Then add a fistful of grated cheese and a 7oz can of verde salsa. Bake 20 min.
Add more pepper or mushroom and leave out meat if eaters are obliging (unlike my husband).

meal #2
Meatball and mushroom surprise
Cook some kind of small pasta shapes. Heat spaghetti sauce and add a few meatballs. Slice portabella mushroom and toss in sauce. Drain pasta, throw into sauce. Pour it all into a casserole dish. Sprinkle parmesan, mozzarella and breadcrumbs on top and bake 20min.

Jalapeno-Tuscan soup and grilled cheese

I basically made this soup, but cut it in half and added a whole jalapeno=spicy! Hopefully Matt will like it even though there is a shocking lack of meat! I just ate it with the grilled cheese she suggests, with mozzarella, spinach and some more of my portabella mushroom.

Friday I hope to make a quiche to use the rest of my spinach and mushrooms...

Sunday, September 12, 2010

9 months

So, Miles turns 9 months next week! He is full on crawling, vocalizing, pulling himself to standing and other amazing things. We love him:)

Friday, July 23, 2010

Life with Miles

Triangle Farmers Market. I love these pictures Mandy took. It was his first 'sitting in grass' experience:)

Grandpa and Grandma visit!

about to swim!

"the days are long, but the years are short"-simplemom

Hm. I was on a blogging roll, but now I've lost steam. Miles is developing a lot! He's been sitting up on his own since the beginning of July. This is a huge step and very helpful cause i can put him down with a book and he's fine for 10 min! He's slowly disintegrating his board book collection by teething on

Likes: sweet potatoes, being tickled by daddy, bath time, cinnamon applesauce

dislikes: diaper changes, nap time, being in the hot car when running errands

still deciding: strangers-sometimes he smiles at complete strangers, but will cry when he sees old friends of ours? who knows...

sleep: mercifully, he's consistently sleeping through the night. I cannot emphasize enough how this has CHANGED my life. I feel like I am person again. After 7pm, I can go to the gym, take a long bath, clean, or whatever. I just felt so tense having to be 'on call' to nurse every three hours. Now, I hope and pray, it will be MUCH easier with baby Boudreau #2 cause I will really really know that the frequent nursing does END at some point (like everyone kept telling me, but i didn't really believe them). oh boy...:)

crafts/homemaking etc:

the baby food is coming along. I really only make a big batch once a month it seems, but then use bananas, avocado, applesauce daily to complete the frozen stuff that I have on hand.

crafts. I've been working on Miles' baby book for the past week but have been neglecting crafting in general. Really, I could work all year on Christmas gifts. I just really, really like making my own things and buying less. But, I still lack confidence in giving homemade things (mostly that involve a lot of sewing...). Rachel and I, for years, have had some major project every Christmas that we give to all our aunts and coworkers and such. I just started my vanilla, so maybe I'll have some to give away. I only did a half batch though, in case it doesn't work:)

OK, well that's my rambling update!

Monday, June 14, 2010


My goal for this week is to make more baby food. Miles is eating more and more! But first, a peak at story time last night. He really was cuddly and paying a lot of attention, till he saw the camera:)

So, using my handy KidCo foodmill, I plan to roast, puree and freeze the following veggies.

Carrots, acorn squash and sweet potatoes are on the menu. Plus, some steamed zucchini and maybe peas too [not pictured]. The food mill is quite simple to use (after a brief tutorial on youtube, i figured it right out:). I am excited to start exploring more foods as we were stuck on banana and rice cereal for like a month there...Exciting, but also more work to do!

I was encouraged by D. Taylors sermon yesterday that we need not be in such a hurry on this earth, but can look forward to an eternity of creativity (among other things:). I certainly feel like I've got way more ideas than time...and more desires to create things than supplies, time and money. But, I am happy to make baby food for Miles and dinner for Matt and be creative one meal or one load of laundry at a time...
Seriously, in the repetition of homemaking, it so helps to remember that the little things like laundry and dinner are not so little when done out of joyful heart to care for one's family!


So, Rachel returned from California and my sewing machine is back on track! Rachie helped get me jump started Sat night and I completed two pillow covers, baby play squares and a random denim chew toy.

Cloth wipes-some one ply and others two.
Random denim chew toyed-named Ralphy (in honor of the denim donor). I put plastic from a package of brownies in the inside to give it a crinkle sound and then attached a scrap piece of red...not sure why...a handle perhaps?

Throw pillows!

Baby play squares...At this point, I enjoy these much more than Miley:)
So, I want to re purpose this blog to talk about baby Miles as well as homemaking, crafting, and whatnot. Kinda like a Boudreau Family Matters Blog. I don't want to start a new one, but just continue on...any ideas for a new title??

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

A few firsts!!

Monday was our 6 month check-up, a week early. Miles weighed 17lbs, 11ounces and was 27 1/4 inches long. 85th somethin percentile...

He also got another round of vaccines. Which led to #1. first fever! poor little guy was crying as he was making 'ba' and raspberries sounds. It was very sad, but generic tylenol was very helpful. The fever was off and on all day yesterday, but I think it's totally gone now.

2. First 12 hrs stretch of sleep! May or may not have been caused of the fever...He slept that stretch Mon night, after the shots, so yeah...but, his stretches of nighttime sleep have been getting longer and longer. Praise the Lord!

3. First time to see Aunt Rachel since he was a newborn!! She is back from California for the summer. yay!

4. First time to hold a book up! while, the book was propped by the boppy, i turned around and he'd grasped both the sides of the book. It was too cute!

Matt and I thank God for little Miles's overwhelming to be so so in love with this little boy:)

Thursday, June 3, 2010

post frenzy

I guess I have not blogged in so long-I've got ideas stored up!!

1. Play square for baby- I want to make these! BUT my sewing machine had turned against me and I have to wait till Rachel returns from Cali--hopefully she can help and I can go on sewing!

2. I did make these-ok, well not exactly those-but I cut some flannel fabric I had and am going to hem the edges to prevent it from raveling--once the sewing machine is back in commision.

3. I keep this one hand--the Easy Peasy kind, to use with my cloth wipes. My mom and husband use the huggies pure and natural wipes, and I do too when its a blowout or middle of the night exhaustion, but otherwise I stick to my cloth wipes and solution which hardly adds any bulk to my diaper washing and lengthens the life of the huggies pack.

4. I am not hard core about cloth dipes. Sometimes, if I am exhausted or sick of laundry, I'll use disposables. But, I'd say 85-90% of the time I use cloth; for Matt and my mom it's probably like 60%. All in all, I still know we're saving money as we've only actually bought diapers twice so far. (also thanks to my aunt Marilyn who carried us through size 1 and the infant days!)

5. It is a fun challenge to make stuff yourself and live a more simpler, frugal lifestyle. I do find it challenging though! And I get waves of motivation and then sometimes crash and quit:)

6. I made (or more accurately, watched while holding Miles, as the others made) homemade pickles a few weeks ago. Canning again and reading blogs about all the sugar in store bought spaghetti sauce and watching Food, Inc. and once again being disgusted at the American food biz has encouraged me to start making (more of) my own food. It's the time that's the issue!
But, I am hoping to start saving for my own canning supplies and make tons of spaghetti sauce and tomato soups before the season ends...

ok, that's all my random thoughts on crafts and babystuff for now:)

Miley 6 months June 14th!

Hi, I was thinking of changing the title of this blog so it more accurately describes the growth of our family. Not that our family is growing in numbers any time soon, but you know, like how Miles' is growing and developing, etc.

So after three weeks of repetitive mashed banana and rice cereal, I finally added a new player to the mashed foods that I feed Miles! Avacado! My favorite. He, apparently, did not care for it. So, I mashed it with the banana so he couldn't quite distinguish it....(i mean, i am guessing, since he didn't tell me or anything). I tried applesauce and he obviously hated it, so today I mixed it with rice cereal and it was ok.

I was really concerned about not feeding him too much too soon, since there is some AAP rule about no solids till 6 months...but after talking to Ceci she encouraged me that he can eat it all-except meat and dairy for now. yay!!

Also, he can defintely roll over to either side, almost sit up by himself, and pick his legs up while on his belly (as if he wants to crawl) but then usually topples over:) Mercifully, he is sleeping longer stretches at night, which means I usually feel more sane and functional these days.


Eating applesauce and rice cereal this am.

all the foods, other than breastmilk, that he's eaten so far!

sleeping baby:) he's gotten so long!

Not sure why, but the post I've typed won't copy here. So, read on.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Miles 4.5 month pic

Miles at 4.5 months

Hi all, So-at our 4 month checkup Miles was 15.1lbs and 25inches long (93 percentile for height!).
Lately, he's been rolling over from back to belly and back, acting shy when anyone smiles at him, laughing a lot especially when I change his clothes and tickle him! He's super cute.
other developments:

-more long stretches at night (although pretty inconsistent)
-taking slowly to rice cereal
-enjoying bath time (kicking and smiling)
-having a more predicatable schedule
-the evening nap is officially gone-he's up for like 4 hrs before bedtime!
-he's teething off and on
It's been a lovely, life changing 4.5 months.

Blogging has defintely from a priority lately. Between work and mothering a small kiddo, i've been happy to just have a few date nights with Matt and some good day time naps:)

Saturday, March 6, 2010

7pm, 10pm, 1am, 4am, 7am

Hi-it's been a while since a Miles update.
The title of this post is in reference to the times Miles woke/ate last night. I am tired.

He's is getting really big! He was 12lbs 9oz at our 2 month check up. He's 11 weeks monday, so I am SURE he's gained a 1lb at least...Oh and he was 23 inches long. Only in the 40% percentile for size...Matt was a little disheartened about that, but I think he hit a growth spurt right after our appt.
He is sleeping a LOT better. Taking good naps and having up to a 7 hr stretch at night. (not sure what happened last night...)Unfortunately, that stretch is sometimes from 6pm-1am, in which I am awake some of it...but, I know there is sleep in my future at some point. I pray...
So, yeah, having a baby is so much more intense than I ever imagined. He's soo precious and innocent and just adorable. And yet, my whole life is different. I don't go anywhere w/o thinking about him or if he'll be hungry while I've run to HEB for 10 whole minutes. That too gets easier I think.
Ok, i got to get a nap while he's out. !

Thursday, February 4, 2010

tummy time

This is Miles at 7am this am-he is holding his head up so high! He was cooing and smiling a lot this morning. His nails get so long and I am terrified to trim them-so he scratched his face and his dad clipped them after that. Our routine is getting established and making life much easier. Approximately, he gets up at 7am-eats and naps, up at 10am, repeat, up at 1pm and so on about every three hours...It is getting somewhat consistent ...Monday he slept 4 hrs at night. It was a great nights sleep!

Here he is swaddled and sleeping. So sweet!

Sarah came over Sunday and we juiced kale and greens. It was like a boost of B vitamin-if felt so good! I hadn't juiced since Miles was born because it just takes a while...
Today I, regretfully, took Miles to the Farwest HEB. It was our 2nd attempt at this store. His car seat doesn't seem to fit in the basket at all, so I carried him with the help of a sling. It was ridiculous. I should have just gone home...but I wanted to get some productive cooking done and needed supplies...Anyway like five people asked me why I was taking my small child out in the sleet, the lady in front of me unloaded my groceries onto the check out belt thing and I probably veered into a dozen folks as I tried to steer the cart with one hand. Oh brother!
But, I just finished chicken and rice soup with soda bread. It was a great cold weather meal! Ok for some reason I am trying to keep pace with my blogging husband:) that's all for now!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Miles-6 weeks old!

The bandage is from the skin tag removed on his ear.

Sleeping in the pre op room before his circumsicion.

the end of a smile.!

Ok, so I have totally lapsed on blogging. Matt just updated and inspired me:)

So, some general notes about birth to 6 weeks:

1. Breastfeeding was so.much.harder than I was prepped for! At our 3 day checkup, Miles had lost 12% of birthweight (more than the midwives would have liked), so we scheduled a checkup for two days later-more weight loss! Well that scared us into action. We met with a lactation consultant and started bottle feeding him additional breastmilk till he couldn't take anymore. I couldn't believe how scary it was to see him not gaining weight at first. He has, thankfully, made a good latch and I have finally learned to relax and we are getting the hang of it. I mean, I was so not ready for how hard that part was...

2. Sleep. everyone tells you to get it while you can, but like Mandy points out, no one can explain just how exhausting it is to have a newborn. I was waking up in complete delerium, not sure if Miles was in our bed, in his swing or crib. It was even worse when he wasn't in the same room as me-b/c I woke up startled instead of gradually as he made little noises...

3. Help. I don't even understand how anyone makes it through the first few weeks w/o help. My mom and sister pretty much lived here for two weeks and we had at least ten people brings us meals (sometimes more than once!). Matt handled some night feedings so I could get sleep and I still felt like a zombie despite all those aforementioned acts of kindness!

4. Crying and naps. Finally, my respite! I am learning to let Miles cry a bit when I know he's exhausted and just needs a nap. Before, I was unwilling to do so and so I carried him all day long and tried taking walks and wearing him in slings. They were good for then, but ulimately the boy just was not sleeping during the day for more than 20 min here and there. This made for a cranky boy and an exhausted mom.
So, Thursday I let him fuss for a while and almost instantly, he took a good long nap (and I did too!). I feel like we're making good progress. Starting a schedule and both getting good day time naps. what a relief.

5. I am not sure why blogging is easier for me in bullet points, but it is.
Being a mom is certainly so much harder and lonelier than I have ever imagined. But it is so worth it. I can't believe how much a I love Miles. I am reading Operating Instructions by Lamott. It is irritating and I can't stop reading it for some reason. I am just hooked on reading her infant son's progress.

Anyway, I cooked dinner for the first time last night and cooked again today. I can slowly feel my old life returning with an added bonus:)