Friday, July 12, 2013


Summer Summer! Mile is 3.5 and is so smart, inquisitive, and imaginative. He's still pretty un-interested in the alphabet, despite my attempts...
Likes: talking to strangers, any and all kids at the play ground, DONUTs, the zoo, PBS shows, pretending to hunt animals at home with Daddy or Mason

Mason 1.5: is very quick these days! picking up words so fast and mimicking everyone, especially Miles, so effortlessly! He loves "mi mi" for Miles a lot! their playfulness is *finally* fun and cute and NOT life threatening (to mason's life that is:). He also says hi to everyone on the play ground and chats endlessly (babbles, really) to strangers frequently.
Likes: the PARK, cakers (crackers) BATH time
I'm oh-so-tired starting my 3rd trimester. I'm excited to one day experience California in a non-pregnant way again...ever since we bought a car with AIR conditioning, I've been all the sudden aware of all the beautiful places there are nearby to us. But, in the exciting weeks ahead, I get to head home to TX for an injection of Tex Mex and Hope Chapel time. Followed by a weekend in Tahoe! Yay!! thank goodness for some 3rd trimester distractions:)

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

what i wore wednesday

The What I wore Wednesday idea is from the Pleated Poppy...

I was in peril of not getting dressed today. It looked like Matt was taking the truck and the only thing i could think of to do was organize some closets, maybe make some granola bars, try to do a reading lesson with Miles and maybe watch a cooking show. So, it was looking bleak on the outfit horizon. But! Guess who should appear?! Grandpa Paul parked outside offering to take Matt to work. PTL! I jumped on the chance to not have to load the boys up immediately after breakfast (as is required if I want to have a vehicle..) and quickly formulated a plan. First, to get dressed! yay!
This is my new Liz Lange target tank that I got last night with mother's day money. After two babies, I'm seriously annoyed with my maternity clothes:)

Tank: liz lange, target, Maternity pencil skirt: Gap, necklace: Noonday Collection (I WON this on a Facebook giveaway!), now to find a clean sweater as it's freezing!! (well, not really, but like 54 degrees till the sun comes up more, in Texas that is technically freezing for late May).

happy Wednesday!

Monday, May 20, 2013

no mother left behind

I think my dream of being a stay-at-home-mom is somehow couched in a pioneer version of the lifestyle. Where friends work together on canning, gardening, drinking tea and FRIENDS! All at home and nearby each other.

But today as we took a random morning walk around the neighborhood, and I watched all the women and men heading off for the morning commute...I felt almost jealous! Ridiculous, I know. But, I'm realizing the reality, that there aren't that many stay at home moms around me!! So, though I'm staying home and hoping to home school and all that, sometimes it's so strange, because I feel left behind by all the folks driving off to have a career, or sit on their computer and drink tea and read blogs, or whatever people do at their 'real' jobs:)

Anyway, it's just a strange thing to be a stay at home mom these days. I still don't really feel like a stay at home mom, since all my lofty ideals of what 'stay at home moms' do all day have pretty much been deflated: between the realities of cross country relocation and first trimester...i haven't gotten around to many of the home stuff I envisioned...
I guess no matter is going on, the blog version and pinterst grandeur of home school-stay at home mom world, is a lot more ordinary and everyday that I had hoped;0

well, i can't say i miss blogging, but i will say I want to write more and since Dinosaur Train is entertaining Miles, I thought I'd scribble something out.

Hello messy house...
Hello day after Pentecost celebration!
Hello week that I find out the gender of this baby!:0

happy Monday!