Thursday, June 25, 2009

15th week

So, I am in my 15th week!
And, amazingly, Matt has A negative blood!! yay!! no shots for me.:) We were both thrilled, relieved and so grateful to not have to go through that. Although modern medicine can set your mind at ease, its still annoying to have complications, etc.

So, onward thru the pregnancy! I bought some maternity shorts and ofcourse they are too big. The belly band helps with this clothing-awkard phase..holding on both big and small pants:)

This week has been Neighborhood Bible Clubs (our version of VBS) and I've been helping lead the songs at our club. Its has been really fun to get to know people I've gone to church with for years, and reach out to kids in their community that had never heard the gospel..ever! Needless to say, its taken all of my extra energy. Yesterday, I curled up in the darkest room in our house (thanks, rachie!) and slept for 2hrs problem! It felt great.

Lastly, my new favorite pregnancy food: GREEN monsters. Through a series of blog recommendations, I've finally tried this amazing drink. Even more amazing, Matt and I split it..he loves it! If you check out the recipe below, that means my husband is drinking approx 2 cups of spinach! I am so happy.:) And I just can feel the baby getting vitamins when I consume it...I'll post a picture next time.. here is the recipe:

Green Monsters: (Boudreau version)
1 c almond milk
1 frozen banana
1 spoonful almond butter
4 c fresh spinach
handful frozen blueberries
a few cubes of ice

that's all for now:) We have our next prenatal July 17th and shortly after that we find out the gender!
till next week,

Monday, June 15, 2009

13 weeks and 3 days (14 weeks?)

Hi All, Today was our 2nd prenatal visit to the Austin Area Birthing Center. Matt and I met Roswitha and she looked over my diet diary and said it looked good, especially the cheese and eggs (which is good, cause besides OHs! cereal, I feel like that is ALL I eat:) I gained 2 lbs since my last appt four weeks ago, which is good since its an average of a pound a week, but she said the baby will have growth spurts and some weeks you gain more than others. I need some bigger pants for sure!

And we got to hear a strong heartbeat today!!! 160 beat/min sounded like the galloping horses that people often compare it to. amazing! HE/SHE is in there and doing great:) This was our first time to hear it, since we just saw it last time, and it was very exciting to us both. We were both laughing in amazement!

The other big news from our appointment is that my blood type is O negative. This is a rarer blood type and we may need some extra precautions in week 28 if Matt is a positive blood type. So, he got his blood taken to see what we'll do next. I have some research to do, but if there is a chance the our baby will have a positive blood type (since I'm negative) they will give the me a preventative RhoGAM shot to ensure that my blood doesn't become hostile to the baby's, should they mix.

So other than that news, all is well. I am still pretty tired most of the time and must be vigilant about eating constantly to avoid feeling ill, but otherwise am getting more excited about being pregnant! I had my first baby dream last night and where I was holding the baby! I am working on a photo story for this pregnancy, so this looks more like a mug shot, but oh well...
till next week.

Monday, June 8, 2009

13 weeks

I am so tired! I feel like I could sleep all day long...or at least any moment my desk.

Lately I've been feeling more pregnant; strange cramps that come on at random times, having to pee ALL the time, not being able to zip up ANY of my pants, eating constantly or else feeling the sudden drop in blood pressure and the IMMEDIATE need for food.

The other day I was remembering when Matt and I were in Pasadena, CA doing the Perspectives class with HSL and Joel's sister Leila was STARVING after church. We didn't know where we were or where to eat and everything in the area was super expensive. I remember the distress and panic in her eyes...and now I feel like I finally, truely understand.

Yesterday I had a tea/baklava with Jessica at the Ethiopian resturant. I had to go to the bathroom apprx. 4 times during our 2 hrs. there.

Saturday was Mandy's shower! It was so fun and so exciting to see all the stuff that Zoe will be using/wearing very soon. It does make it more real for everyone somehow, seeing all the 'stuff' for the new person.

Next Monday is my 2nd prenatal appt. I am keeping a food log this week...just ONE more thing to love about the Austin Birthing Center-they care about what you eat! They are so holistic in their approach...which makes sense and is so refresing!

Here is a pic of my belly last week. To be fair, I had just eaten A LOT, but still, things are growing! Miles or Isabella???!?