Wednesday, May 11, 2011

10 wks + 17th months!

Miles is almost 17 months old! He loves playing in his pool and reading stories and eating and saying the few words he's got down: dadda, momma, papa, nana, chichi, and lots of animal noises:) HeLOVES to dance! and sing. He will spin in a circle till he's dizzy and falls over while any music is playing. He has a big personality already! Yesterday while Alicia and I tried to carry on a conversation, he kept busting in between us with his arms spread wide shouting about something!
And, I am 10wks pregnant. Mostly it exhausts me, but my nauseau comes in waves...which I guess is better than the constant feeling I had a few weeks ago. Already, I feel much more peaceful about having a newborn. Maybe because I've done it before, but mostly because we have a house, so we're not house hunting and I kinda know how to clean the house and nothing will be in boxes as I figure out breastfeeing wtih baby #2. Ah! what a dreamy way to start this kids' life:)
I've had lots of dreams: twins, a girl, a boy. So, who knows what I'm having! Next appt is Mon and we'll get to hear a hearbeat!!

15 mo.

Some random things I keep meaning to write down:
-Miles started signing 'more' Sunday March 6th on a long car ride home from the coast. I almost cried, i was so happy!
-outside has become a big part of his day. I keep him away from the baby plants, he picks up sticks and eats handfuls of dirt; its a good time:)
-he can climb up on things (the couch, the benches at our table)-scary!
-he puts his hand up to his ear when matt or i am on the phone
-Miles does somersaults:)
-he understands a lot of what i say! very helpful!!
Miles is still a great sleeper although his naps are in constant fluctuation. I can tell he needs less but it varies so much day to day. He seems to be teething a lot right now, so he's sleeping more during the day...
he is a pretty happy kid and such a blessing to our family!