Wednesday, October 13, 2010

TEN months!

So, Miley is ten months tomorrow. He has conquered many milestones in the past months. Grabbing small pieces of food (Cheerios, cheese, etc)
Cruising furniture
Pulling to standing
Saying "ba ba" and ('ma' a couple of times)!
Dropping the third nap
Weaning off the feeding I miss while at work (today is first day, so we'll see how it goes)
Likes: [chewing on] shoes, eating cheerios, muffins, grilled cheese, pinto beans
Dislikes: diaper changes, staying up past bedtime, not being allowed to crawl around in public areas
In other news, Matt and I have been married 3 years!! We went out for a fancy schmancy dinner and walk around downtown. I am so very thankful for such a great, Godly and encouraging husband. He seriously helps me stay sane in this learning curve of parent hood:)