Monday, April 27, 2009

Sleep, nausea, and garlic

Sleeping is what I did all day Saturday.
Nausea is what I feel if I'm not sleeping or nibbling on something at all times.
Garlic is my former adored homeopathic remedy, now turned nemesis....

I left work early on Friday. I really, really thought I needed to vomit. Alas, every time it has been a false alarm. I forced down food all day and felt better after each meal. It reminds me of when I was in middle school and dreaded every day of school. I couldn't eat AT ALL in the mornings because I was soo nervous. The doctor thought I had anemia or something...

Anyway, I slept most of Saturday to avoid the nauseous feeling and it was so easy...usually I can't sleep through that much of day. Apparently, my body feels like I've just run a marathon, only I haven't gotten off the couch:) But, there is a baby being built, so I guess it all evens out...

And garlic. Oh the cure-all, loved by all other cultures for its immune building properties and infection fighting abilities. I would buy it at the farmers market, have it on at hand at all times, and cook with at any given chance. It was even destined to be in my fall garden line up....Until the Romano's Macaroni Grill + create your own pasta bowl + my handsome husband, all collided this Saturday night. What Matt and I didn't realize on this lovely evening with an old friend, was that the FORTY or so cloves he was ingesting would soon be coming out his pores-making me (through my SUPER sensitive pregnant sense of smell) extremely nauseous!

In one of Matt’s first acts of sacrifice for baby + baby life, were the remedies I forced upon him after I realized this garlic was haunting me. Baking soda, peppermint tea, steam showers, Febreeze, dozens of incense, and white vinegar made all our senses go nuts!! Needless to say, it’s been about 36 hrs and we are almost garlic free.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

6 weeks already

Hi, I have been encouraged that this [blogging] will be fun and good for us all. We'll see...

Good Friday this year was exceptionally good. Matt and I saw not one, but two big positives on the pregnancy tests! We were blissfully surprised and excited. I've never been pregnant before and I was in disbelief for a loooong time. But, yesterday when I felt sick-ish all day long, it helped to convince me a little bit more that I am REALLY PREGNANT!

I've loved reading about my friends on their blogs and I check them more frequently than they update them, so I figured what better to do while waiting...than to write>.