Monday, June 14, 2010


My goal for this week is to make more baby food. Miles is eating more and more! But first, a peak at story time last night. He really was cuddly and paying a lot of attention, till he saw the camera:)

So, using my handy KidCo foodmill, I plan to roast, puree and freeze the following veggies.

Carrots, acorn squash and sweet potatoes are on the menu. Plus, some steamed zucchini and maybe peas too [not pictured]. The food mill is quite simple to use (after a brief tutorial on youtube, i figured it right out:). I am excited to start exploring more foods as we were stuck on banana and rice cereal for like a month there...Exciting, but also more work to do!

I was encouraged by D. Taylors sermon yesterday that we need not be in such a hurry on this earth, but can look forward to an eternity of creativity (among other things:). I certainly feel like I've got way more ideas than time...and more desires to create things than supplies, time and money. But, I am happy to make baby food for Miles and dinner for Matt and be creative one meal or one load of laundry at a time...
Seriously, in the repetition of homemaking, it so helps to remember that the little things like laundry and dinner are not so little when done out of joyful heart to care for one's family!


So, Rachel returned from California and my sewing machine is back on track! Rachie helped get me jump started Sat night and I completed two pillow covers, baby play squares and a random denim chew toy.

Cloth wipes-some one ply and others two.
Random denim chew toyed-named Ralphy (in honor of the denim donor). I put plastic from a package of brownies in the inside to give it a crinkle sound and then attached a scrap piece of red...not sure why...a handle perhaps?

Throw pillows!

Baby play squares...At this point, I enjoy these much more than Miley:)
So, I want to re purpose this blog to talk about baby Miles as well as homemaking, crafting, and whatnot. Kinda like a Boudreau Family Matters Blog. I don't want to start a new one, but just continue on...any ideas for a new title??

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

A few firsts!!

Monday was our 6 month check-up, a week early. Miles weighed 17lbs, 11ounces and was 27 1/4 inches long. 85th somethin percentile...

He also got another round of vaccines. Which led to #1. first fever! poor little guy was crying as he was making 'ba' and raspberries sounds. It was very sad, but generic tylenol was very helpful. The fever was off and on all day yesterday, but I think it's totally gone now.

2. First 12 hrs stretch of sleep! May or may not have been caused of the fever...He slept that stretch Mon night, after the shots, so yeah...but, his stretches of nighttime sleep have been getting longer and longer. Praise the Lord!

3. First time to see Aunt Rachel since he was a newborn!! She is back from California for the summer. yay!

4. First time to hold a book up! while, the book was propped by the boppy, i turned around and he'd grasped both the sides of the book. It was too cute!

Matt and I thank God for little Miles's overwhelming to be so so in love with this little boy:)

Thursday, June 3, 2010

post frenzy

I guess I have not blogged in so long-I've got ideas stored up!!

1. Play square for baby- I want to make these! BUT my sewing machine had turned against me and I have to wait till Rachel returns from Cali--hopefully she can help and I can go on sewing!

2. I did make these-ok, well not exactly those-but I cut some flannel fabric I had and am going to hem the edges to prevent it from raveling--once the sewing machine is back in commision.

3. I keep this one hand--the Easy Peasy kind, to use with my cloth wipes. My mom and husband use the huggies pure and natural wipes, and I do too when its a blowout or middle of the night exhaustion, but otherwise I stick to my cloth wipes and solution which hardly adds any bulk to my diaper washing and lengthens the life of the huggies pack.

4. I am not hard core about cloth dipes. Sometimes, if I am exhausted or sick of laundry, I'll use disposables. But, I'd say 85-90% of the time I use cloth; for Matt and my mom it's probably like 60%. All in all, I still know we're saving money as we've only actually bought diapers twice so far. (also thanks to my aunt Marilyn who carried us through size 1 and the infant days!)

5. It is a fun challenge to make stuff yourself and live a more simpler, frugal lifestyle. I do find it challenging though! And I get waves of motivation and then sometimes crash and quit:)

6. I made (or more accurately, watched while holding Miles, as the others made) homemade pickles a few weeks ago. Canning again and reading blogs about all the sugar in store bought spaghetti sauce and watching Food, Inc. and once again being disgusted at the American food biz has encouraged me to start making (more of) my own food. It's the time that's the issue!
But, I am hoping to start saving for my own canning supplies and make tons of spaghetti sauce and tomato soups before the season ends...

ok, that's all my random thoughts on crafts and babystuff for now:)

Miley 6 months June 14th!

Hi, I was thinking of changing the title of this blog so it more accurately describes the growth of our family. Not that our family is growing in numbers any time soon, but you know, like how Miles' is growing and developing, etc.

So after three weeks of repetitive mashed banana and rice cereal, I finally added a new player to the mashed foods that I feed Miles! Avacado! My favorite. He, apparently, did not care for it. So, I mashed it with the banana so he couldn't quite distinguish it....(i mean, i am guessing, since he didn't tell me or anything). I tried applesauce and he obviously hated it, so today I mixed it with rice cereal and it was ok.

I was really concerned about not feeding him too much too soon, since there is some AAP rule about no solids till 6 months...but after talking to Ceci she encouraged me that he can eat it all-except meat and dairy for now. yay!!

Also, he can defintely roll over to either side, almost sit up by himself, and pick his legs up while on his belly (as if he wants to crawl) but then usually topples over:) Mercifully, he is sleeping longer stretches at night, which means I usually feel more sane and functional these days.


Eating applesauce and rice cereal this am.

all the foods, other than breastmilk, that he's eaten so far!

sleeping baby:) he's gotten so long!

Not sure why, but the post I've typed won't copy here. So, read on.