Wednesday, October 21, 2009

32 wks

Here is our Bradley class! We are done!! well, all except the 2 classes we missed...but we'll see:)

Last night we watched a video of several Brazilian women giving birth in the squatting position. It looked pretty easy for them. I have become so curious about birth in other cultures...I went to the PCL to find some books on childbirth and labor in Asian/African cultures, but they were all mis-shelved, so I left empty handed. Later, I did get the La Leche Leagues The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding for some American perspective. But the La Leche folks are a bit fringe...they have some extreme ideas. I am not sure how I feel about it yet.

Ok, so Bradley recap. As boring, graphic, late at night and far away as our class was, I do think it was worth it. Last night was my favorite, as the whole time she talked about ways to save $ and why having a child DOES NOT take $250,000 from birth to college (excluding the birth and the college:).

Our teacher talked about all the ways to save $ (cloth diapers, making your own baby food, not buying into all the unnecessary things Babies R us tries to sell you like diaper warmers etc.:) It was inspiring, as I find most budget talk to be!

And, we just returned from our appt at the ABC. We met the newest midwife, Sarah. Miles is head down and has a great heart beat. Everything is good!

thanks for reading. more news to come!

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome. I'm proud of you guys for stickin' with the class - yay y'all!!

    Blessings on u and Miles, and daddy coach!!
