Here he is swaddled and sleeping. So sweet!
Sarah came over Sunday and we juiced kale and greens. It was like a boost of B vitamin-if felt so good! I hadn't juiced since Miles was born because it just takes a while...
Today I, regretfully, took Miles to the Farwest HEB. It was our 2nd attempt at this store. His car seat doesn't seem to fit in the basket at all, so I carried him with the help of a sling. It was ridiculous. I should have just gone home...but I wanted to get some productive cooking done and needed supplies...Anyway like five people asked me why I was taking my small child out in the sleet, the lady in front of me unloaded my groceries onto the check out belt thing and I probably veered into a dozen folks as I tried to steer the cart with one hand. Oh brother!
But, I just finished chicken and rice soup with soda bread. It was a great cold weather meal! Ok for some reason I am trying to keep pace with my blogging husband:) that's all for now!
i can totally see Matt in his face. I bet your mom is just so in love with this cute little thing. :)