the end of a smile.!
Ok, so I have totally lapsed on blogging. Matt just updated and inspired me:)
So, some general notes about birth to 6 weeks:
1. Breastfeeding was so.much.harder than I was prepped for! At our 3 day checkup, Miles had lost 12% of birthweight (more than the midwives would have liked), so we scheduled a checkup for two days later-more weight loss! Well that scared us into action. We met with a lactation consultant and started bottle feeding him additional breastmilk till he couldn't take anymore. I couldn't believe how scary it was to see him not gaining weight at first. He has, thankfully, made a good latch and I have finally learned to relax and we are getting the hang of it. I mean, I was so not ready for how hard that part was...
2. Sleep. everyone tells you to get it while you can, but like Mandy points out, no one can explain just how exhausting it is to have a newborn. I was waking up in complete delerium, not sure if Miles was in our bed, in his swing or crib. It was even worse when he wasn't in the same room as me-b/c I woke up startled instead of gradually as he made little noises...
3. Help. I don't even understand how anyone makes it through the first few weeks w/o help. My mom and sister pretty much lived here for two weeks and we had at least ten people brings us meals (sometimes more than once!). Matt handled some night feedings so I could get sleep and I still felt like a zombie despite all those aforementioned acts of kindness!
4. Crying and naps. Finally, my respite! I am learning to let Miles cry a bit when I know he's exhausted and just needs a nap. Before, I was unwilling to do so and so I carried him all day long and tried taking walks and wearing him in slings. They were good for then, but ulimately the boy just was not sleeping during the day for more than 20 min here and there. This made for a cranky boy and an exhausted mom.
So, Thursday I let him fuss for a while and almost instantly, he took a good long nap (and I did too!). I feel like we're making good progress. Starting a schedule and both getting good day time naps. what a relief.
5. I am not sure why blogging is easier for me in bullet points, but it is.
Being a mom is certainly so much harder and lonelier than I have ever imagined. But it is so worth it. I can't believe how much a I love Miles. I am reading Operating Instructions by Lamott. It is irritating and I can't stop reading it for some reason. I am just hooked on reading her infant son's progress.
Anyway, I cooked dinner for the first time last night and cooked again today. I can slowly feel my old life returning with an added bonus:)
natalie! I can see Matt in him now. Esp. in the pic with the bandaid on his ear, he really looks like Matt! I can't wait to talk to you after Saturday (that's when we are revealing the gender). i am on cloud nine with the excitement of KNOWING... :-))))