Triangle Farmers Market. I love these pictures Mandy took. It was his first 'sitting in grass'

Grandpa and Grandma visit!

about to swim!
"the days are long, but the years are short"-simplemom
Hm. I was on a blogging roll, but now I've lost steam. Miles is developing a lot! He's been sitting up on his own since the beginning of July. This is a huge step and very helpful cause i can put him down with a book and he's fine for 10 min! He's slowly disintegrating his board book collection by teething on every.single.book.
Likes: sweet potatoes, being tickled by daddy, bath time, cinnamon applesauce
dislikes: diaper changes, nap time, being in the hot car when running errands
still deciding: strangers-sometimes he smiles at complete strangers, but will cry when he sees old friends of ours? who knows...
sleep: mercifully, he's consistently sleeping through the night. I cannot emphasize enough how this has CHANGED my life. I feel like I am person again. After 7pm, I can go to the gym, take a long bath, clean, or whatever. I just felt so tense having to be 'on call' to nurse every three hours. Now, I hope and pray, it will be MUCH easier with baby Boudreau #2 cause I will really really know that the frequent nursing does END at some point (like everyone kept telling me, but i didn't really believe them). oh boy...:)
crafts/homemaking etc:
the baby food is coming along. I really only make a big batch once a month it seems, but then use bananas, avocado, applesauce daily to complete the frozen stuff that I have on hand.
crafts. I've been working on Miles' baby book for the past week but have been neglecting crafting in general. Really, I could work all year on Christmas gifts. I just really, really like making my own things and buying less. But, I still lack confidence in giving homemade things (mostly that involve a lot of sewing...). Rachel and I, for years, have had some major project every Christmas that we give to all our aunts and coworkers and such. I just started my vanilla, so maybe I'll have some to give away. I only did a half batch though, in case it doesn't work:)
OK, well that's my rambling update!