So, we were playing Yahtzee at 10ish and I was up after every turn, rolling my hips around and pretty uncomfortable. After Matt slaughtered me I said I better get to bed in case I had a baby the next day...So at 11pm we went to bed. I was up about every 10 min, moving my hips around, squatting, etc. Finally at 2am, sleep wasn't really happening due to the painful interruptions-so I called the midwives. Roswitha called back and said there wasn't much to do till the contractions were 5 min apart...drink a beer and get some rest she said.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
a baby story...
So, we were playing Yahtzee at 10ish and I was up after every turn, rolling my hips around and pretty uncomfortable. After Matt slaughtered me I said I better get to bed in case I had a baby the next day...So at 11pm we went to bed. I was up about every 10 min, moving my hips around, squatting, etc. Finally at 2am, sleep wasn't really happening due to the painful interruptions-so I called the midwives. Roswitha called back and said there wasn't much to do till the contractions were 5 min apart...drink a beer and get some rest she said.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
39 weeks
Sleep: up at least 3x/night
Best moment this week: getting a great deal on Craigslist for our new living room furniture!
Movement: some *tiny* contractions added to the usual feet and body parts jabbing at my sides
Food cravings: milk to quell heartburn! peppermints...which ironically make heartburn worse!
What I miss: my old wardrobe. I am seriously down to only a few shirts that make it over my belly and they are almost ALL black. I am not in mourning, just HUGE! I almost looked at Target yesterday, but cannot seriously justify buying ANY more maternity clothes at this point:)
What I am looking forward to: MOVING! Lord willing, this weekend.
Weekly Wisdom: I am going to get huge-well you know, so the boy can come out! Thanks to some Ina May wisdom, I've been re-encouraged that my body really was made to do this labor thing and I'll be up for task when it's time.
Some other books that have been helpful so far:
The Pregnancy Book: Month-by-Month, Everything You Need to Know From America's Baby Experts
On Becoming Babywise: Giving Your Infant The Gift of Nighttime Sleep
Birthing from Within: An Extra-Ordinary Guide to Childbirth Preparation
this one encouraged me to walk daily; it's pretty much the solution to every prego ailment:
Prescription for Nutritional Healing, 4th Edition
Of course, they almost ALL come at child rearing and birth from DIFFERENT perspectives, making it a bit confusing to know what's the *right* thing to do, but at the same time, I like reading about the extreme perspectives and knowing that we'll settle into whichever form of parenting and birth that works for us, ultimately.
I realized yesterday that the ABC folks are definitely attachment parenting, natural child birthing, non circumcising, co sleeping hippies! haha. Obviously, we share many of the same values or we wouldn't be having our baby there, but still, we are not that extreme.
We had an appointment with Roswitha yesterday and saw another Hope Chapel couple leaving as we came! Hope people LOVE the ABC:) I weighed in the same as last week, mercifully, since Roswitha doesn't miss a thing when it comes to weight gain! But, she was encouraging that I am still within their 'normal' range. I mean, what God-fearing, holiday party going American doesn't gain 5lbs during Dec anyway? For crying out loud! I wish everyone had to 'weigh in' every week during the holidays!
Ok, there is sort of malfunction w/ the camera at the to come shortly.
Monday, December 7, 2009
38 weeks
Weight gain: 32#
Cravings: pumpkin bread.
Physically: TIRED! I think I slept through the night a couple of weeks ago, but it's a distant memory. I've read/heard that my body is preparing for the 2 hr feedings by waking every two hours to pee. Great...using the eye cream early...
Emotionally: excited=to meet Miles. very thankful=for the new house! scared=of what labor will REALLY be like.
Next Prenatal Appt: Wed at 3pm, depending on when we close, this may change.
We hope to start cleaning by Thurs/Fri and have a great move (as in moving our bed and baby stuff:) Sat and Sun. Things are about to start happening fast! But, I am consicously taking it slow and packing up things very slowly, getting naps and walks in daily and eating lots of greens and smoothies, playing yahtzee and watching West Wing to force myself to rest!
And now we wait....
Monday, November 30, 2009
37 weeks

Here is Adina; we've been talking about babies for 9 months now!

One of the professors; he's very excited about those shirts:)

Ok, we have our next ABC appt Wed...stay tuned!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
36 wks

More pics to come; they are upstairs on my dad's computer and like I said, the stairs are just not that easy these days:)...
Thursday, November 5, 2009
34 wks
A good quote
Yesterday we met with Roswitha, Matt's favorite. He likes he cause she is German, matter of fact and for some reason he takes pleasure in the fact that I'm terrified of her hands digging into my abdomen to find out where the baby is located! She was pushing to find out how he was positioned and he started moving and kicking and she said "ok, well now he's just getting angry"-which in a German accent was very comical:)To make sure Miles was still head down, she pulled on the ultrasound machine! What a treat! He is head down and doing great.
The ABC:
Next week, we'll meet with our doula, Nicole, and talk more about labor! She's coming to our house to get the lay of the land in the event that I labor there for awhile. We are really grateful to have someone we know to help keep us both focused.
And the house search continues. We've found one that *might* be the one, but we're taking a 2nd look on Mon. Though this is not the ideal time to move, we're trusting God that he's gonna make a way...and it will all work out:)
Tomorrow my mother in law and her close friend Esther fly into Austin for the family baby shower! It will be so fun to catch up with them and celebrate Miles:) Every time I get clothes or supplies for him, it just makes it so much more real that he's a little person and he'll be here soon! It is so fun.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
32 wks

Ok, so Bradley recap. As boring, graphic, late at night and far away as our class was, I do think it was worth it. Last night was my favorite, as the whole time she talked about ways to save $ and why having a child DOES NOT take $250,000 from birth to college (excluding the birth and the college:).
Our teacher talked about all the ways to save $ (cloth diapers, making your own baby food, not buying into all the unnecessary things Babies R us tries to sell you like diaper warmers etc.:) It was inspiring, as I find most budget talk to be!
And, we just returned from our appt at the ABC. We met the newest midwife, Sarah. Miles is head down and has a great heart beat. Everything is good!
thanks for reading. more news to come!
Friday, October 9, 2009
30 wks
I had my glucose test last week and passed and had good iron levels.
Weight gain: 22#
Cravings: nothing that's overpowering or even consistent. sometimes i think about cinnabon, but i used to do that anyway...yesterday i was thinking about Ceci's mac and cheese w/ breadcrumbs and it sounded amazing. i've been trying to eat lots of fruit and veggies smoothies + soups and grilled cheese.
Physically: my back hurt unbelievably for two weeks! BUT yesterday we took the memory foam OFF our bed and miraculously I am already so.much.better. I've been sitting at my desk since 8am and have only had incidental pain from not getting up enough. i can't stand memory foam!!
Oh, because of the ridiculous policy change at UT, I dropped my swim class. So, I am trying to swim and walk at home.
Emotionally: pretty stable so far...the emotional-ness of the 1st trimester may be slipping back in, but so far, not too bad:) it's a little stressful contemplating having a baby in the middle of moving, but I know it will be ok, despite less than ideal circumstances:)
Next Prenatal Appt: Oct 21st @ 2:30p
Other: Baby showers seem kinda awkward to me, but I am really excited about having them. I didn't realize that I like to be prepared, but I can't wait to be stocked and ready to go. I keep thinking that he'd better not come early, b/c i have nothing ready (as in, own nothing for taking care of a baby)!!
-also, I've been trying to direct my 'nesting' desires into crafty things for a someday nursery... and somehow I've made like a quart of chicken stock, a gallon ziplock of veggie stock and tons of pesto all sitting in the freezer. I just seem to be on the homemaking kick. Tomorrow is canning!
-Miles is moving a lot these days. Our midwife yesterday, Roswitha, said she thinks he's curled in an C shape, and just needs to slide into the right position in the next few weeks. In the next weeks they'll be able to tell more of where he's at and if I need to do headstands in the pool or something to help him flip:)
And finally, someone asked me why I'd rather birth at a birthing center vs. hospital. I guess I went into this pregnancy not even considering hospitals, so I'm not sure if I've ever mentioned why I prefer the birthing center...
Anyway, the things I love about the birthing center are:
1. birth in not viewed as an emergency, but a natural, normal thing
2. they are super laid back (hence, the lack of emergency) and try all sorts of positions and natural pain relief tactics throughout labor
3. there isn't an inherent rush to have your baby. They want the baby to be ready and labor to be natural.
4. They are ex-labor and delivery staff, so they know their stuff and are trained for any and all emergencies
5. they are super sweet and personal and approach your pregnancy from a holistic perspective (like what are you eating, are you stressed, how much weight is healthy to gain, etc).
ok, just in case you were wondering, that's why I want to have my baby there. I'm not living in a fantasy world, so I know things can go wrong and so do the midwives, so we of course will do what is best for Miles when it comes down to it, but Lord willing, we'll get to deliver there!!
This t-shirt was a 2yr anniversary present from Matt; finally UT maternity! We got to celebrate last weekend at a beautiful lake house.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
3rd trimester! (27 weeks)
Thursday, August 27, 2009
photos-6 months

Tuesday, August 25, 2009
24 weeks!
Next, our last appt at the ABC went great. We met Annabelle, who set both of us at ease instantly! She was very encouraging about the pregnancy concerns I had and reassuring that I am not actually hurting Miles if I end up on my back in the middle of the night:) So that was a relief! In a few weeks I do my gestational diabetes test...
Also, I've been trying to walk the days we don't swim. According to most medical journals...or every website on pregnancy...almost EVERY pregnancy problem can be solved/reduced by walking a mile a day. Which on the treadmill in the AC is a piece of cake! So, I am trying to stay on top of that, even when it's painful to go. My swim class starts tomorrow at UT. I've found a teacher who is very sympathetic toward the 'pregnant' and will make some accommodations from the usual rigorous class pace. I'm so thankful!
Monday, August 10, 2009
22 weeks

Tuesday, August 4, 2009
21 weeks
Monday, July 27, 2009
20 wks
Monday, July 13, 2009
18th wk-kick!
"-women who have continuous one-on-one support during labor tend to use pain medication less often
-have slightly shorter labors
- are less likely to have a c-section or a forceps or vacuum-assisted delivery.
If you're serious about trying to give birth without pain medication, a doula may be your best ally."
I can't think of anyone better than Matt to be my labor coach, seeing as he's the best coach (type personality-irrespective of sports) I know, but he's still not too sure of himself on the labor scene and historically doesn't do well in medically stressful situations. So, as a backup for him and a comfort to us both, I think it'd be wise to have a labor coach this time!
We'll meet with a few in the next month and make a decision before we start our Bradley class in Sept.
next post: Miles or Isabella!!!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The belly is coming along. Pants are.not.buttoning! I've started to invest in elastic clothing!
I had a job interview this morning. It would have been a great fit. maybe. But, I'm realizing that my decisions do not just affect me now, but this little guy/girl inside! Wow, parenthood. Life changing...
Malachi 2: 15
Has not the LORD made them one? In flesh and spirit they are his. And why one? Because he was seeking godly offspring. So guard yourself in your spirit, and do not break faith with the wife of your youth.
Jess's pastor was talking about marriage and that the point is to produce godly children. Its the point! It reminded me of what we learned in Perspectives, about Abraham and his calling. It's an indicator that 'it' is not all about ME and my life, but about God getting all the worship that he deserves. So, we have children that will worship the Lord and will train their children and their children's children. Its about the generations and the gospel going forth...It's a very convicting and necessary point of view!
That concept (population growth for the glory of the Lord) is VERY counter -American- culture. Its irrespective of global warming, overpopulation, global hunger...all these fears that have reduced the population growth in America and Europe. [soap box-I'll spare you the rest...]
Anyway, I've always known that God loves family and that the family is being thwarted from every angle...Children are a blessing from the Lord: (Psalm 127:4 Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are sons born in one's youth.) They are gifts from God and we get to teach them about God and his kindness and might; it's just so overwhelming a task and opportunity!
ok, back to the pregnancy progress...
I'm feeling more and more new 'sensations' and strange feelings. I've tried laying super still, but am still not confident that I've actually felt a real baby movement yet...soon enough!
that's about all for now. oh yes, the photo of the green monster:
till next week!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
15th week

This week has been Neighborhood Bible Clubs (our version of VBS) and I've been helping lead the songs at our club. Its has been really fun to get to know people I've gone to church with for years, and reach out to kids in their community that had never heard the gospel..ever! Needless to say, its taken all of my extra energy. Yesterday, I curled up in the darkest room in our house (thanks, rachie!) and slept for 2hrs problem! It felt great.
a few cubes of ice
Monday, June 15, 2009
13 weeks and 3 days (14 weeks?)
Monday, June 8, 2009
13 weeks
Thursday, May 21, 2009
10 weeks

It was very exciting to have some physical confirmation that he/she is there and is growing!
The morning sickness seems like it is waning. I am getting more energy slowly and am very excited to start prenatal yoga and swimming!
One final note from John Piper:
God Forms Persons (Psalm 139:13)
Another pointer (to the early church) was the profound conviction that what is happening in the womb is God’s unique and sacred person-forming work. Psalm 139:13 puts this in terms of God’s very hands-on work in the womb: “You formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.” This is God’s doing. Not ours. It is his to make. And his to end. (See also Job 31:13–15.)
(for more:
Thursday, May 7, 2009
9 weeks...

Monday, April 27, 2009
Sleep, nausea, and garlic
Nausea is what I feel if I'm not sleeping or nibbling on something at all times.
Garlic is my former adored homeopathic remedy, now turned nemesis....
I left work early on Friday. I really, really thought I needed to vomit. Alas, every time it has been a false alarm. I forced down food all day and felt better after each meal. It reminds me of when I was in middle school and dreaded every day of school. I couldn't eat AT ALL in the mornings because I was soo nervous. The doctor thought I had anemia or something...
Anyway, I slept most of Saturday to avoid the nauseous feeling and it was so easy...usually I can't sleep through that much of day. Apparently, my body feels like I've just run a marathon, only I haven't gotten off the couch:) But, there is a baby being built, so I guess it all evens out...
And garlic. Oh the cure-all, loved by all other cultures for its immune building properties and infection fighting abilities. I would buy it at the farmers market, have it on at hand at all times, and cook with at any given chance. It was even destined to be in my fall garden line up....Until the Romano's Macaroni Grill + create your own pasta bowl + my handsome husband, all collided this Saturday night. What Matt and I didn't realize on this lovely evening with an old friend, was that the FORTY or so cloves he was ingesting would soon be coming out his pores-making me (through my SUPER sensitive pregnant sense of smell) extremely nauseous!
In one of Matt’s first acts of sacrifice for baby + baby life, were the remedies I forced upon him after I realized this garlic was haunting me. Baking soda, peppermint tea, steam showers, Febreeze, dozens of incense, and white vinegar made all our senses go nuts!! Needless to say, it’s been about 36 hrs and we are almost garlic free.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
6 weeks already
Good Friday this year was exceptionally good. Matt and I saw not one, but two big positives on the pregnancy tests! We were blissfully surprised and excited. I've never been pregnant before and I was in disbelief for a loooong time. But, yesterday when I felt sick-ish all day long, it helped to convince me a little bit more that I am REALLY PREGNANT!
I've loved reading about my friends on their blogs and I check them more frequently than they update them, so I figured what better to do while waiting...than to write>.