Here is Adina; we've been talking about babies for 9 months now!

One of the professors; he's very excited about those shirts:)

Ok, updates:

I am trying not to smile here:

1. We met with Joan for our 37 wk appt. last week. She suggested lying on my right side may help Miles turn the correct way and prepare for descent!
She also told me some exercises I should do to help his position: pelvic rocks, free style swimming and laying on a yoga ball...
2. We will own a house soon!
3. have I mentioned that my folks living room is FULL of baby stuff...
So, I swam with my mom for 40 min on Saturday and otherwise, have taken the holiday off of exercising...Yesterday I hit the treadmill for a slow walk.
In the meantime, I'm packing, making sure I've got the basic 'essentials' washed and ready should he come early. I just need to pick up a stroller this week with the rest of Babies R Us gift cards and then I am pretty sure the rest of the baby goods can wait...or will be handed down eventually.
Here is a fun picture of my morning ritual: the green goblin. I recently admitted to wearing ear muffs in the early am hours when I am concocting this drink in the garage; my mom insisted I show this to the blog world:):
Ok, we have our next ABC appt Wed...stay tuned!
Miles is SO LOW!
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