The belly is coming along. Pants are.not.buttoning! I've started to invest in elastic clothing!
I had a job interview this morning. It would have been a great fit. maybe. But, I'm realizing that my decisions do not just affect me now, but this little guy/girl inside! Wow, parenthood. Life changing...
Malachi 2: 15
Has not the LORD made them one? In flesh and spirit they are his. And why one? Because he was seeking godly offspring. So guard yourself in your spirit, and do not break faith with the wife of your youth.
Jess's pastor was talking about marriage and that the point is to produce godly children. Its the point! It reminded me of what we learned in Perspectives, about Abraham and his calling. It's an indicator that 'it' is not all about ME and my life, but about God getting all the worship that he deserves. So, we have children that will worship the Lord and will train their children and their children's children. Its about the generations and the gospel going forth...It's a very convicting and necessary point of view!
That concept (population growth for the glory of the Lord) is VERY counter -American- culture. Its irrespective of global warming, overpopulation, global hunger...all these fears that have reduced the population growth in America and Europe. [soap box-I'll spare you the rest...]
Anyway, I've always known that God loves family and that the family is being thwarted from every angle...Children are a blessing from the Lord: (Psalm 127:4 Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are sons born in one's youth.) They are gifts from God and we get to teach them about God and his kindness and might; it's just so overwhelming a task and opportunity!
ok, back to the pregnancy progress...
I'm feeling more and more new 'sensations' and strange feelings. I've tried laying super still, but am still not confident that I've actually felt a real baby movement yet...soon enough!
that's about all for now. oh yes, the photo of the green monster:
till next week!
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