Monday, July 27, 2009

20 wks


1st. it is a BOY!! we had our anatomy ultrasound last week and got to see Miles Paul Boudreauon the big screen! It was exhilarating. We cried.

2nd. His kicks and movements are officially consistent. I feel him when I drive, sit, and especially at night when I collapse into bed to read. Last night I saw his little movements rippling across my abdomen. wow!! Matt felt him kick for the first time last week. finally! It was amazing:)

3rd. I'm digging deeper into the realm of cloth diapers and am fascinated! Hopefully this week or next, mom and I will go to a class to get some last bits of info before I decided which kinds I'll try to use...I'm not a purist by any means...but you$$! ($1,900/kid with disposables VS $100/kid with cloth...and that's if you have 3 kids, which I'd like to have four (!) so let's call it $75/kid:) haha.

4th. I've signed us up for our Bradley class that starts Sept 1st. I've started reading the book Husband Coached Birthing and it's already helped to ease my fears about the foreboding world of labor and delivery. But, I know the class will help both of us be informed and therefore prepared for what's to the only way we can at the point. Plus, we gotta take it to birth at the ABC.

5th. Zoe isn't here yet. !! Pray that Mandy will go in to labor soon!

here are some half way pics. 20 weeks yay!!

Miles 1st gift from Zoe! 

the GI Joe that came w/ the onesie...and some flowers Matt picked for me!
I can still see my feet...

20 wks...

Monday, July 13, 2009

18th wk-kick!

Hi Everyone, Saturday I felt the first 'official' movement!! It was very exciting:) Matt and I have our next appt this Friday and then soon after, we'll find out the gender. I have absolutely no gut instinct on this and am very very curious. I'm compiling a list of questions for our midwife (like, can i get on a plane in sept for our two yr anniversary??). Also, I've started to investigate doulas or a labor coach. The research about their services is compelling:
"-women who have continuous one-on-one support during labor tend to use pain medication less often
-have slightly shorter labors
- are less likely to have a c-section or a forceps or vacuum-assisted delivery.
If you're serious about trying to give birth without pain medication, a doula may be your best ally."

I can't think of anyone better than Matt to be my labor coach, seeing as he's the best coach (type personality-irrespective of sports) I know, but he's still not too sure of himself on the labor scene and historically doesn't do well in medically stressful situations. So, as a backup for him and a comfort to us both, I think it'd be wise to have a labor coach this time!
We'll meet with a few in the next month and make a decision before we start our Bradley class in Sept.
next post: Miles or Isabella!!!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


The belly is coming along. Pants are.not.buttoning! I've started to invest in elastic clothing!
I had a job interview this morning. It would have been a great fit. maybe. But, I'm realizing that my decisions do not just affect me now, but this little guy/girl inside! Wow, parenthood. Life changing...

Malachi 2: 15
Has not the LORD made them one? In flesh and spirit they are his. And why one? Because he was seeking godly offspring. So guard yourself in your spirit, and do not break faith with the wife of your youth.

Jess's pastor was talking about marriage and that the point is to produce godly children. Its the point! It reminded me of what we learned in Perspectives, about Abraham and his calling. It's an indicator that 'it' is not all about ME and my life, but about God getting all the worship that he deserves. So, we have children that will worship the Lord and will train their children and their children's children. Its about the generations and the gospel going forth...It's a very convicting and necessary point of view!

That concept (population growth for the glory of the Lord) is VERY counter -American- culture. Its irrespective of global warming, overpopulation, global hunger...all these fears that have reduced the population growth in America and Europe. [soap box-I'll spare you the rest...]
Anyway, I've always known that God loves family and that the family is being thwarted from every angle...Children are a blessing from the Lord: (Psalm 127:4 Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are sons born in one's youth.) They are gifts from God and we get to teach them about God and his kindness and might; it's just so overwhelming a task and opportunity!

ok, back to the pregnancy progress...
I'm feeling more and more new 'sensations' and strange feelings. I've tried laying super still, but am still not confident that I've actually felt a real baby movement yet...soon enough!
that's about all for now. oh yes, the photo of the green monster:

till next week!