30 weeks! wow. 6 more weeks till delivery is allowed at the ABC!
I had my glucose test last week and passed and had good iron levels.
Weight gain: 22#
Cravings: nothing that's overpowering or even consistent. sometimes i think about cinnabon, but i used to do that anyway...yesterday i was thinking about Ceci's mac and cheese w/ breadcrumbs and it sounded amazing. i've been trying to eat lots of fruit and veggies smoothies + soups and grilled cheese.
Physically: my back hurt unbelievably for two weeks! BUT yesterday we took the memory foam OFF our bed and miraculously I am already so.much.better. I've been sitting at my desk since 8am and have only had incidental pain from not getting up enough. i can't stand memory foam!!
Oh, because of the ridiculous policy change at UT, I dropped my swim class. So, I am trying to swim and walk at home.
Emotionally: pretty stable so far...the emotional-ness of the 1st trimester may be slipping back in, but so far, not too bad:) it's a little stressful contemplating having a baby in the middle of moving, but I know it will be ok, despite less than ideal circumstances:)
Next Prenatal Appt: Oct 21st @ 2:30p
Other: Baby showers seem kinda awkward to me, but I am
really excited about having them. I didn't realize that I like to be prepared, but I can't wait to be stocked and ready to go. I keep thinking that he'd better not come early, b/c i have nothing ready (as in, own nothing for taking care of a baby)!!
-also, I've been trying to direct my 'nesting' desires into crafty things for a someday nursery... and somehow I've made like a quart of chicken stock, a gallon ziplock of veggie stock and tons of pesto all sitting in the freezer. I just seem to be on the homemaking kick. Tomorrow is canning!
-Miles is moving a lot these days. Our midwife yesterday, Roswitha, said she thinks he's curled in an C shape, and just needs to slide into the right position in the next few weeks. In the next weeks they'll be able to tell more of where he's at and if I need to do headstands in the pool or something to help him flip:)
And finally, someone asked me why I'd rather birth at a birthing center vs. hospital. I guess I went into this pregnancy not even considering hospitals, so I'm not sure if I've ever mentioned why I prefer the birthing center...
Anyway, the things I love about the birthing center are:
1. birth in not viewed as an emergency, but a natural, normal thing
2. they are super laid back (hence, the lack of emergency) and try all sorts of positions and natural pain relief tactics throughout labor
3. there isn't an inherent rush to have your baby. They want the baby to be ready and labor to be natural.
4. They are ex-labor and delivery staff, so they know their stuff and are trained for any and all emergencies
5. they are super sweet and personal and approach your pregnancy from a holistic perspective (like what are you eating, are you stressed, how much weight is healthy to gain, etc).
ok, just in case you were wondering, that's why I want to have my baby there. I'm not living in a fantasy world, so I know things can go wrong and so do the midwives, so we of course will do what is best for Miles when it comes down to it, but Lord willing, we'll get to deliver there!!
This t-shirt was a 2yr anniversary present from Matt; finally UT maternity! We got to celebrate last weekend at a beautiful lake house.