So, it's been awhile...I am officially 3rd trimester! Some updates:
1. I just went through a growth 'normal' shirts got the boot and are bagged up.
2. I turned 27 on Tues!
3. I've had a cold/sinus infection attack for a week now! (the midwife said it will take 2x as long to recover from when pregnant:(=no sugar, no dairy, lots of fruits and veggies, eucalyptus steam inhalations, ginger, lemon, honey drinks and the netti pot galore!...happy bday to me:/
4. We've made it to two of our Bradley classes and learned a lot. Nutrition, exercises, relaxation techniques etc. We skipped last night cause of colds + birthday...
5. It rained in Austin for almost SIX days in a row!! (this just in, 40% chance of rain tom). Due to that blessed event, I got tons of okra, jalapenos and beans (see pic above).
6. Miles kicked me HARD today! It was one of the first ones that made me exclaim verbally.
So, that's the news for now. In two weeks I'll take my glucose test for gestational diabetes and after that I'll be on a every two week schedule for our midwife appts. It's getting close! We have two doula's (those are the labor coaches that basically just help you stay comfy, relaxed and focused in labor; they are my insurance of support in case Matt passes out and will hopefully keep us both more calm) lined up since our birth is near the holidays, just so we have better coverage, depending on when Miles decides to come out...
Oh! and our Bradley teacher, Chan, went on this long rant last time about how today women are super eager to get the baby out as soon after 36 weeks as possible, but actually every day or week more the baby has in the womb is very helpful for maturing and being ready for life on the outside. So basically, be patient and let the baby come whenever they are ready...(vs induction or something...) And she also talked about how the due date tells very little about when the babe will come as well...great:/